Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Backyard

We are so happy to finally have what feels like a real back yard. Matt finished the main fence some time ago, and recently designed and installed a short "spur" of privacy fence in the spot where the view of passing cars was directed into the area behind the house. From the end of that, to the beginning of Sammy's yard, we put up wire fencing to keep the deer away from our plantings. We were finally able to remove the ugly cages protecting the plants, so we can now enjoy them even more... with more privacy from passers-by.

(This is when the first fence was in progress. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures from the best angle at that time. But the shrubs in their cages give you some perspective.)



Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy 2010

(Our Christmas tree was a live, locally native shore pine, which will soon be part of the landscape...)

Wow, time sure has flown! We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. After enduring an operating system upgrade - performed by me (a not-particularly-techy person) - our computer is up and running again. Here's what else we have been up to:

My mom was up for Christmas, and among other things, helped us prep for and install a 2600 gallon water tank for rain catchment (mostly for supplementing our well for irrigation). Matt replaced the rain gutter along the back of the garage, and installed fittings on the tank so we can run a hose from it when necessary.

Matt has also been hard at work converting the old car canopy into a 10x20 foot greenhouse. He's making great strides, and we can hardly wait to fill it with starts, as well as propagating native plants for landscaping the property.

Meanwhile, I was busy planting the 10 new bare-root fruit trees we ordered (we saw a great deal and couldn't pass it up). I've gotten nine in so far, and have one last one to finish (I'll update the list soon! But there are more apples, pears, and plums, as well as Asian pears and one cherry - which to be honest is borderline). I made gopher baskets out of chicken wire for each tree to protect their roots from the voracious rodents, which truly - for each tree - took far longer than the digging, amending, planting and watering that followed! But I know it will be well worth it.

And the chickens have been happily laying eggs - probably 7 or 8 are laying now and we are poised to start selling eggs to co-workers. Mostly they lay where they're supposed to, but a few are turning up in odd places...

Hope this year is shaping up to be what you are hoping for...