We've had a stretch of beautiful sunny weather, and some days have even been thankfully free of the well-know, persistent springtime winds. This weekend we finally made a dent in some of the chores we've been picking away at.
On Saturday Matt bought his new pride and joy - a guitar he's been searching for and dreaming about for quite some time. Although he finally got to play it that evening, we spent most of the day dismantling, hauling, and then re-assembling the custom greenhouse Matt built a year or so ago. There was nary a breeze in the morning, but by mid-afternoon when we got on the highway between Mendocino and here, with the teetering stack of greenhouse walls on top of the lumber rack (should have taken a picture of that!), it was gusting probably to 20 mph. As we drove, we wondered how strong a wind it would have taken to lift the truck's wheels off the ground. We looked a little Beverly Hillbilly, but did make it home in one piece.
On Sunday, Matt set the remainder of the posts for the dog run, got some of the fencing up, and also built the first of 2 greenhouse benches. Meanwhile, I seeded another random assortment of herbs and vegetables, as well as digging up more of the garden. I timed myself and found that in half an hour, I dig something around 12-15 feet of 40-inch-wide bed. (Each bed is 40 feet long!) It's pretty slow. But because the ground has been so compacted by years of horse grazing, I'm "double-digging" it. I think (hope) it will be worth it to have the soil loosened that deeply.
My big ambition had been to try to start selling at the Farmers Market in a small way this year, but I think I'm way too far behind. The market starts in May, and though I have an absurd number of seedlings going, I still haven't gotten anything into the ground! The potatoes have started sprouting in their box on the kitchen floor, so they will definitely be the first things to get planted. The best part is that with the greenhouse here, I won't have to haul seed flats in and out of the house, and look at anemic little plants wishing they got more sun than an east-facing window can provide.
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!