Matt's been working away on the dog run. It won't be done in time for both moms to visit with their combined FIVE dogs - but since all the dogs are small, it'll be fine. Even in the house, if the predicted rain materializes. Sammy will have to share the attention, but since the other dogs are much more spoiled (tee hee), I'm sure the treats will be flowing.
I've continued to work on digging up the garden beds, although we haven't yet gotten the compost, and I haven't covered anything with black plastic. Today our seed potato order arrived - 2 pounds each of five varieties of organic or naturally-grown taters (All Blue, Inca Gold, Mountain Rose, Red Pontiac and Yukon Gold). I also saved a bunch of the Purple Peruvian fingerlings from last year, and they're sprouting. Even though we don't yet have the fencing up, all the posts are there. If I plant the spuds this weekend, we'll have plenty of time to put up the mesh before the shoots appear above ground.
Don't let anyone tell you deer won't eat potato leaves. Although they're poisonous, I had my potato crop eaten down to the nubs TWICE by deer last year. Aargh.
The 3 chickens have recovered from their trauma, and have finally stopped freaking out and flying everytime I walk into the coop.
Have a great weekend!
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