We had a lovely break, with a partly-work, but mostly-pleasure visit to Calaveras Big Trees where Jason and Neely are. It was a little cooler than is seasonally typical there, but it was still beautiful and fragrant. I was tempted to post photos of Neely and Jason's garden, but decided not to steal their glory and have the casual observer believe it was ours! I was impressed by the number and size of the plants they have already coaxed from the ground, considering their last frost date is something like June 1!
Jason and Matt's birthdays are only a few weeks apart, so while we celebrated Jason's, we had to embarass both the guys - just to be fair. When the guys went fishing, Neely and I hurriedly created party hats. I commented on the seeming contradiction, as we listened to Janis Joplin whilst making paper crafts and planning dinner. But as Neely pointed out, we were there by choice - all that matters! :) Anyway, we had a great time, the guys loved (or pretended to!) their pirate (Neely's handiwork) and viking (my creation) hats. Two cakes made the mini-party complete. The rest of the weekend was spent hanging out, fishing, or walking/hiking about.
Why do I look angry in all of these photos? I'm not an angry person, honest! I was having a great time with you guys! Thanks again for the visit!