In our enthusiasm to do everything at once, we suddenly found ourselves in the perfect situation for getting goats - except that we weren't set up yet. An email meant just to "feel out" local goat breeders turned into our acquiring three Nigerian Dwarf goat kids about ten days later. They are adorable, friendly, sweet little time-consuming babies that are still at the bottle-feeding age. We have about four more weeks of this.
I had wanted sheep for the cynical reason that they are less wily and easier to keep fenced in, but Matt definitely favored goats more. I'm glad. These guys are so fun and intelligent, and promise to be great companions and lawn-mowers for years to come.
Since what we want at this point is "free" weed/brush/lawn service, we decided some time ago to first own wethers (castrated males), to see how we like it. If we decide to get more, they will probably be (female) dairy goats.
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