The spring winds seem to make planting any spindly climbing thing out in the open a risky proposition. On top of that, I saw a really good idea on a Mother Earth News blog that I knew we could immediately adapt. So, into the wine barrels (not the open garden) went the bean and sugar snap pea starts, as well as a couple new rows of peas. At the Russian Gulch house we grew peas on one trellis per barrel and planted (too many) radishes, or cilantro or something else in front of them. But it'll be nice to be able to have twice as many beans and peas in a sheltered place (right next to the kitchen, actually).
The only "down side" is that it gives us one more reason to keep putting off the chore we know is at hand - getting those beds really ready. The truth is, I admit defeat. If I am going to insist on creating new beds the somewhat lazy way, we'll have to start in winter, then cover the beds with plastic for several months. (That wasn't possible this first time, but maybe next year...)
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