We knew from the start that Furlough Farm wouldn't be the permanent name. Before starting the blog, we spent a lot of time trying to come up with something. We looked all over for inspiration, but still hadn't settled on a name that we liked, that didn't sound pretentious, presumptuous, or cheesy. It had to be relevant, but not too bland (named after the town, for instance). And though some of the names sounded good in a tree-hugging sort of way, I knew that if I was embarrased saying the name out loud to Matt, it wouldn't stick.
A couple of weeks ago - after having spent time off-and-on using word-association websites, brainstorming all kinds of things, even the help of a business-name generation guide - I blurted out an ultimatum to Matt: We have to name the farm in the next week. He said, "Oh, OK." Opened the curtain. Looked outside. After 30 seconds, said, "Driftwood Farm."
All my agonizing hours of minute dissection of the meanings of words (e.g., "'green' is good, but so hackneyed now"), the long lists of associations and ideas... Matt just looks out the window at his massive collection artistically displayed around the yard, and bam! Farm name.
The plan for now is to keep this blog; if at some point I get the market business going (it's in the works!), we'll create a new page.
Taking pictures of the driftwood amongst the fence posts and tall grass wasn't as lovely as we hoped; so the photos here are from a little day-trip we took to the south part of the county (Point Arena and surrounding area).
So, everybody... how do you like our new name?
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